Ukonniemi testing center

The Ukonniemi testing center offers services to private individuals and groups. The testing services are intended for people exercising for fitness as well as top athletes of different sports.

The testing center services include versatile possibilities for determining health, body composition, muscle balance, respiratory and circulatory system health and the performance of the neuromuscular system. Nearly all available testing services can also be performed outside the center in a sport-specific environment.

The testing service process includes selecting the appropriate test type, reserving the test, taking the test, and receiving the test results.

Testing services are produced by the sports association of South Karelia, Etelä-Karjalan Liikunta ja Urheilu ry

Explosive strength testing

Vertical jump is used to test explosive strength output capacity in the lower body. Vertical jumps can also be performed with additional weights. The test is performed using the OptoJump equipment. Optical sensors allow tests to be performed on a sport-specific surface.

Strength output testing

Tests are performed with the Flex measuring equipment that is also intended for practice sessions. The equipment and strength measurement can be used to find optimal effect areas for power training.

Speed and agility testing

Maximum speed tests measure the athletes' ability to cross a predetermined distance as quickly as possible. Agility tests measure the athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate and change direction as quickly as possible.  Tests are performed with Fitlight light elements.

Endurance tests

Endurance can be unambiguously defined as the body's maximum oxygen uptake capacity, or the body's ability to use oxygen in energy metabolism.  The simplest way to measure oxygen uptake is to perform a so-called indirect test by measuring heart rate or the time spent on a test. A direct test is performed by measuring respiratory gases.

Imatran Ketterä Ukonniemen testausasemalla

Imatran Ketterä on hyödyntänyt Ukonniemen testiaseman palveluja ja laitteistoa jo vuodesta 2018 alkaen.

Säännöllisellä testaamisella saadaan dataan perustuvaa palautetta urheilijalle ja valmentajille siitä kuinka harjoittelujaksot ovat tehonneet, ovatko toivotut ominaisuudet kehittyneet ja mitä ominaisuuksia tulisi edelleen kehittää.

Grow up as an athlete test set

The Grow up as an athlete test set is a versatility test for young athletes. The test helps young athletes recognise their strengths and development challenges in diverse physical skills. The test measures speed, explosive strength, mobility, muscular strength and endurance.

Body composition measurement InBody

The body composition test is performed with InBody 770. The equipment can be used to measure aspects such as body fat and muscle mass ratio, visceral fats, muscle distribution, or possible body asymmetry.