Endurance tests

Endurance can be unambiguously defined as the body's maximum oxygen uptake capacity, or the body's ability to use oxygen in energy metabolism. In other words, the higher the oxygen uptake capacity, the better the endurance. Oxygen uptake can be measured in many ways. The simplest way is to perform a so-called indirect test by measuring heart rate or the time spent on a test. A direct test is performed by measuring respiratory gases with a respiratory gas analyser.

Changes in oxygen consumption may be small for endurance athletes, and it may not be possible to accurately identify the changes with an indirect test. In this case, it is best to use a direct test method where the inhaled and exhaled air is accurately analysed with a respiratory gas analyser during the test. The method allows accurate determination of maximum oxygen consumption.

In practice, respiratory gas measurement measures how much oxygen is used by the body during performance and how much carbon dioxide the body produces. These values can be used calculate and assess to what extent the body uses fats and carbohydrates for muscular work at different stress levels. This information will help plan and monitor practice to steer it in the right direction.

One of the most important factors for planning practice based on a direct test is the ratio of heart rate to blood lactate levels. Lactate levels and respiratory gas measurements can be used to determine training power as well as aerobic and anaerobic thresholds.


K5 testing

Maximal oxygen uptake can be measured in many ways. In a spirometer measurement, respiratory gases are analysed during a stress test. The amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide are analysed from exhaled air, and the test subject's maximal oxygen uptake capacity is then determined. By using different protocols, we can perform oxygen uptake tests in a way that suits the subject. In a submaximal test, the subject does not exert themselves to exhaustion, whereas a maximal test is carried out all the way through.


  • Maximal oxygen uptake cycling test 
  • Submaximal oxygen uptake cycling test 

Test equipment

  • K5 Spiroergometer. The equipment we use is the Cosmed K5 – a new generation of mobile spiroergometry equipment designed for demanding professional use.  K5 uses the latest technology, including the COSMED 4th generation optoelectronic reader and a reliable linear and fast-responding O2 (GFC) and CO2 (NDIR) sensor. Smart metabolic sampling technique. IntelliMET ™ measures gas exchange with either a micro-dynamic mixing chamber or the breath by breath mode
  • Wattbike. Tests are conducted with the Wattbike indoor bike
  • Lactate scout. The test can also include lactate measurement with the Lactate Scout analyser. Measuring lactate values lays a foundation for creating the right practice programme for both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts with high goals

Before the test

  • Written instructions for preparing for the test are given in advance after booking the test

After the test

  • Result form with basic test information and result

The test site is the Ukonniemi arena.  The duration of the test is approximately 20 minutes, but you should reserve 1 hour for the entire testing process.

Price for direct test without lactates €110/person, direct test with lactates €120/person