Price list and contact information

Adress: Ottelukatu 9, 55420 Imatra

The Ukonniemi arena is located in Ukonniemi, Imatra, about seven kilometres from the Imatra traffic station. The easiest way to get to the arena is form road number 6 by following these instructions:

Exit road number 6 by using ramp No 63. Drive along Korvenkannantie Road towards the Abc and Neste service stations by following road signs for Ukonniemi and Imatran Kylpylä. From the first roundabout, drive straight for one kilometre and you’ll arrive at the second roundabout where you should exit to the left to Lammassaarentie Road. Drive for a half kilometre to the next roundabout, exiting to the left to Ottelukatu Road between the tennis hall and the ice hall. Keep driving for another 500 metres and you’ll arrive at the arena.

Google maps -link

Hourly rates

  • Entire field: 180€/h
  • Half field: 120€/h
  • Ask an offer for a longer period: / 020 617 7008

Other Prices

  • Running track and auxiliary training area: 50€/h
  • Sauna and conference facilities: 50€/h

All prices include VAT. (Sport facilities VAT 10%, conference and sauna facilities VAT 24%)